Dr. Baráth és Dr. Baráthné
The Legal profession itself is our life, a beautiful game of intellectual creation, in which helping every client is our common task.
Dr. Baráth Attila János
Dr. Baráthné Dr. Hajdu Ágnes
Dr. Baráth Attila
Our Office
Our common projects
We started our common work as husband and wife in 2017. Before this time we have tried ourselves separately in our private specializations but we came to the realization that it's better to row in the same boat. We have common works, also separate ones where we can help each other day by day, providing higher level legal service to our clients.
„Man can make the law great, but the law itself won't make anyone great.” - ConfuciusOur office
Talking about common or separate projects, our office's whereabouts are: